Veteran Employment Transition (VET) Program
Situation - Operational tempo and critical vulnerabilities within small unit leadership throughout the service branches have permitted the education and mentorship of transitioning service members to not be appropriately prioritized. The success of any leader in the military should not be measured by their professional accolades, but rather by the success of the personal and professional growth of their subordinates. The duty and responsibility to continuously develop and mentor subordinates should not end upon exit from the military, that duty and responsibility have no expiration. Any veteran who has successfully navigated the waters or pathways of transition, arriving on the other side successfully, has an obligation to ensure that those that come after them are given every tool possible to accomplish that same mission.
Mission - The management team of Inspection Associates, Inc. (IAI), consisting of veterans, shall execute, upon its completion, the IAI VET Program. A program that seeks out, educates, and mentors transitioning service members to provide an environment that affords the tools and opportunities needed to successfully transition from an active-duty status to a veteran status within not only the oil and gas industry, but the civilian workforce in its entirety.
Execution - It is IAIs intent to not only assist service members with transitioning into a career within the oil and gas industry post-service, but to assist them in their continued personal and professional development and to assist with all aspects of the transition.
Concept of Operations - The IAI VET Program was designed and is operated by a diverse group of veterans. Veterans from multiple branches of service, years of service ranging from 4 yrs. to 20 yrs., experience ranging anywhere from non-deployed to multiple combat deployments, and from every walk of life. IAI has created a solid program that actively seeks out transitioning service members and aims to make contact prior to the transition period ending. IAI aims to educate and assist the service member with everything ranging from the education of transition opportunities such as SkillBridge, IAI internship opportunities, job placement, veteran pay incentives, and ensuring that they can navigate the Veterans Affairs (VA) process post-service. The IAI Vet Program having been designed and managed by veterans, that are attuned to current issues that veterans face today, and that have a wide spectrum of experience that they do, allows IAI to be equipped to provide a dependable and relevant veteran transition assistance program.
Tasks - IAI will provide internship opportunities through programs such as the DoD SkillBridge Program, for transitioning service members. To allow them to have an opportunity to be immersed into the industry, while providing them with an environment that fosters education and transition without the stress’ of financial stability or unknown career progression. IAI will provide veteran job placement and veteran pay incentives. These aspects of the program will allow the transitioning service member to have a piece of mind that their service and experience will not only be held in the highest consideration, but it will also be valued, and they will be given every opportunity to be successful. IAI will conduct annual leadership training company-wide. These training classes will be structured much like the standard Professional Military Education (PME) that veterans experienced while in the service. The training will cover veteran-specific topics such as the integration and transition of military leadership and mentorship into civilian management; Personal and professional mentorship and development and how it applies to the civilian workforce; How to best harness the positive attributes that your military experience has given you, and how to best translate and institute that into the civilian workforce. General topics that are not veteran-specific include critical thinking, interpersonal communication, and learning to work within a diverse team. IAI will assist transitioning service members with additional tasks key to the transition process, such as home relocation guidance, school and community information, family support service information, and VA benefits information, navigation, and guidance through qualified VSO representation.
Coordinating Instructions - IAI will diligently work with local, state, and other external agencies to provide information and assistance with transferring all applicable military training, certification, experience, and education to its civilian equivalent. IAI will diligently network with their partners and with external companies to ensure that maximum opportunity is provided to the veteran regarding career experience and available job placement.
Administration and Logistics - The IAI VET Program is continually striving to evolve and adapt to the most current issues that transitioning service members and veterans are facing today. The nature of this program is to be dynamic and fluid. The entire IAI management team hopes that the conception and execution of this program will set an industry standard and be an example of what companies in the oil and gas sector should strive to accomplish for our service members and veterans. IAI intends to ensure that this program is executed to its maximum potential to ensure veteran success on every level.
Command and Signal -
Signal - IAIs primary Point of Contact for the VET Program is:
Ken Hacker, GySgt, USMC (Ret).
(O) 281-256-0101
Command - The VET Program Management Team consists of:
Matt Medford, USAF - President / CEO, IAI
Ken Hacker, USMC (Ret) - Vice President, NDE / Veteran Transition Officer