Construction Management Support
Effective project management is the key to quality performance and has been an Inspection Associates trademark for many years. Construction Management personnel at all levels are professionals who have proven their ability through the successful completion of numerous construction projects. We have established a reputation throughout the industry as an organization with the capability and foresight to manage projects from conception to completion.
Our project team approach provides optimum efficiency and effectiveness for fulfilling the construction management needs of our clients.
Construction Inspection
Our construction inspection specialists provide a full range of inspection and due diligence services to the energy industry across the United States. With a nationwide team of trained professional inspectors, our personnel, with their understanding of all applicable rules and standards, can analyze and communicate to all levels of the project team. Our staff is prepared to provide quality inspection personnel for any size project.
Our Quality Control and Construction Inspection capabilities include:
Vendor Inspection
Our quality control professionals provide vendor inspection services to ensure the quality of equipment and material being manufactured or fabricated at off-site locations. These inspections complement the quality control services offered in the field and at the construction site to eliminate any deficiencies that would; otherwise, impact the project schedule and budget.
Our vendor inspection personnel are cognizant of the need for the material and equipment to be in accordance with all drawings and specifications. This is especially important on remote projects where the distance and time involved to make repairs and/or replacements may be cost-prohibitive. In all cases, the services are tailored to meet the individual requirements of the client.
Our Vendor Quality Control Inspection capabilities include the following facility types:
Non-Destructive Testing
Our management team possesses more than 25 years of NDT experience and hands-on expertise in all aspects of NDT, ensuring that our services are highly reliable and professional.
We offer the latest in NDT equipment and technology, including mobile radiography units that are all fully equipped to perform radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing and liquid penetrant testing inspections on-site–providing our clients with fast, accurate results.
In addition to providing reliable, quality services, Inspection Associates is committed to always upholding the highest standards of safety at all times.
Conventional Methods
Advanced Methods
Integrity Services
A new innovation developed by Inspection Associates; “InspeCT 360™.” Our InspeCT 360™ technology system was developed for in-ditch use, for accurately sizing and characterizing pipeline anomalies, our system brings computed tomography to the pipeline industry and an improved method that delivers greater accuracy than conventional NDE inspection techniques by eliminating many of the limitations associated with current NDE methods. In terms of current pipeline operations, the integrity of liquid pipelines is of particular interest to many in the pipeline community because of several high-profile failures that have occurred over the past decade. In contrast to gas transmission pipelines, liquid pipelines are subject to cyclic pressure loads. The cyclic pressures, or pressure fluctuations, induce fatigue loading on pipelines that can eventually lead to cracking and leaks. For this reason the need for advanced NDE techniques to accurately size flaws and cracks is extremely important. The accurate sizing of cracks helps improve the reliability of ILI technologies, but also helps engineers evaluate the “fitness for purpose” of pipelines considering future service conditions.
Cracks can behave in a seemingly random fashion. To properly view the behavior of any crack, it is necessary to view the crack in three-dimensional space. It is difficult to characterize the severity of a crack when viewed on two-dimensional space, especially when attempting to predict crack growth behavior. For this reason, the value of the InspeCT 360™ technology is important as it provides three-dimensional images necessary to accurately assess the behavior of the crack.
Safety Services
Our consultants are senior advisors for project teams. They have the knowledge and experience to help develop procedures for High-Risk Operations and create Site Specific Safety Plans for any project. They'll also monitor the contractor on their ability to follow the operator's safe work practices. This monitoring helps assure project management that the contractor and the contractors' workforce are following all standards and procedures to execute a flawless project.
Site Representation
Heavy Equipment Training
Other courses we provide:
Training Center
Inspection Associates didn’t just want to provide safety, but rather wanted to be able to provide safety training and compliance to go with it at a moment's notice. Regardless of scale or class size, we can handle it.
Operator Qualifications Master

PEC Premier